I Can Witness

When I can’t help the unjust turn to just, I can witness.

When I can’t help the unfair to be fair, I can witness.

When I can’t help the unreasonable to be reasonable, I can witness.

When I can’t help the denied to be accepted, I can witness.

When I can’t help the deprived to become entitled, I can witness.

When I can’t help the non-rightful to be rightful, I can witness.

When I can’t help the indigent to gain dignity, I can witness.

When I can’t help the not respected to earn respect, I can witness.

When I can’t help the wrongful stigma accusation to be rid of by the truth, I can witness.

When I can’t help an enigma to be cleared off its perplexity, I can witness.

When I can’t help the truth to reveal its truthfulness suppressed intentionally by liars, I can witness.

When I witness, I gain experience, I enrich myself; may be then I can help after all.


It hits me. I didn’t witness anything visually. It hit me in my mind while all ten of my fingers were dancing on the piano keyboard.

I am new from now on.

I am new in everything with condition like a brand new product. The new product is never been used until now and all the parts of this new product are at top fit condition running at their best as designed.

It’s a source of energy for me because I am new in everything I do. However, I am fortunate that my experience and skills are not new.

Yeah! I am new from now on.

What would I witness?

What would I witness? I would never ask myself that question. I would guess I just witness; sometimes I would know that I am witnessing, but other times I would probably just see.

When I witness, I would hope the witnessed incident would go to history with which I am proud and glad to be participated in the time when it happened.

Well, when I see, I see, I saw, I watched, I just saw.

So, what would I witness? I ask myself this question now.

I witness history.